What is a VI Peel?
A VI Peel, also known as Vitality Institute peel is a popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure that may help sun damage, acne, oily skin and aging skin. These chemical peels contain different types of acid, such as alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid and phenol. These powerful compounds are blended together depending on the strength of the peel and desired results. Revolution Aesthetics & Wellness offers five types of VI Peels to meet the needs of our patients: VI Peel Original, VI Peel Purify, VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus, VI Peel Advanced and VI Precision Plus Peel.

VI Peel Benefits
VI Peel Original (Ages 13-39+)
Works best for patients who have early signs of aging, rough skin and/or sensitive skin. Patients who have never had a peel should start with this medium-depth, medical grade peel.
VI Peel Purify (Ages 13+)
The Purify peel is a wonderful option for addressing teen acne and breakout prone skin. It also is the best type of peel for those of Hispanic Descent.
VI Peel Advanced (Ages 40+)
Collagen stimulation slows down as we age. This peel helps stimulate collagen and reduces the appearance of aging skin, wrinkles and fine lines.
VI Peel Purify With Precision Plus (Ages 18+)
Essential for treating acne and acne scarring, this peel will address excessive oil. It is also the best type of peel for those of African American Descent.
VI Precision Plus (Ages 18+)
This type of peel benefits people that have sun damage, or desire pigment correcting such as hyperpigmentation, UV-induced pigmentation and melasma. It is one of the most popular peels and is best for those of Asian descent.
VI Peel Side Effects
Evidence shows that the main ingredients in VI peels are beneficial to a range of skin concerns. Overall chemical peels are generally a safe way to reduce sun damage, acne, and oily and aging skin. Some patients have experienced unwanted side effects such as skin swelling, itchy skin, blistering, burning sensations, and scarring. These side effects tend to be more common in patients with darker skin tones or who have a history of scar formation. Side effects are very rare. However, it is an amazing peel that is safe and effective for all skin types. When you visit Revolution Aesthetics and Wellness for your skin peel we will review your medical history to make sure the procedure is a good fit for you.
VI Peel After Care
Taking care of your skin after a VI peel is essential to see your desired results. The Revolution Aesthetics and Wellness team will provide you with a post-care treatment kit and a full list of instructions for care. Some general post-care tips include:
Reducing sun exposure and using sunscreen if you plan to be out in the sun. Do not use any type of makeup until the skin has fully healed.
Not showering for 24 hours after the peel and only wash your face with a nondetergent skin wash. You can expect peeling between days 3-6 with typical peeling time between 10-12 days.
Your aftercare will also depend on the type of peel you have done and the concerns around your skin. Our team will review these instructions with you after your procedure and recommend any skincare regimens. If there are any questions or concerns please call Revolution Aesthetics & Wellness.
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